On behalf of Universal Freemasonry
And under the Auspices of the Grand Orient de Canaan
Liberty – Equality – Fraternity
The Word and the duties of the Grand Master:
It is not necessary to hope in order to persevere or to succeed!
By the names of all the great officers of the College of General Regulations and respect of the constitution of the Grand Orient de Canaan. Also I promise on my faith with discernment Masonic conduct and fairness of the Obedience direction in my capacity as Grand Master.
Some references below our commitment Masonic.
Yesterday and at the beginning of our introduction, we said that the Charity is one of the virtues whose practice is most dear to freemasons. Should not be confused with charity, which lowers whoever receives without raising the giver. Charity ceases indeed to be a virtue if it is done at the expense of homework most sacred and most pressing:
At the beginning of its initiation, the initiate learns to cultivate love with the three primordial virtues are humility, tolerance, and brotherhood as if humility breeds tolerance tolerance raises the fraternity, as well as fellowship can not exist without tolerance and that tolerance requires humility.
Humility must be erected under paramount.
With humility he engenders love, and love it gathers what is scattered. But it takes a lot of sacrifice, he must be silent and listened to overcome his vices and practiced virtue. He is called to follow the path of spirituality guided by its prédesesseurs.
It is called a fight he ignorence, Fanaticism and ambition. He does his duty development with new learning, which has led to the victory over himself.  Because every human being worthy of the name should not he constantly has to apply perfect?
Freemasonry is the chivalric Order of animated intense spiritual thought, capable outside facts or deeds, to participate in a redemptive alchemy.
This association of free men leads us to the understanding of the mystical representation of the continuity of life, to the value of reincarnation, because the secret of evolution combine the various states of being. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes
The freemasons are inherited from the Chivalry that erected by defender of the weak oppressed, considering the aspect of total devotion to their peers that they are obliged to help, assist and love.
The main feature of the Freemasons is the love of humanity pushed to the sacrifice of life.  Etymologically, the word love has the same meaning as the word love, and not the benefit or indulgence. Love is stronger than death. This united under that death can not separate.
This brings the Eucharist and remember the words of John: “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him” This brings us to the Last Supper, the Freemasons expensive ceremony.
Love becomes a command for Freemasons, for it is written, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your body, your soul and your spirit”
“Love your neighbor as yourself” (Old Testament) “Love one another as I have loved you” (New Testament).
But to do it he must also have the Charity itself. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul said: “When I speak the language of men and angels, if I have not charity, I am no longer resonates brass or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, I and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, a faith to move mountains if I have not charity, I am nothing .
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, if I have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
Charity for Freemasons proceeds from the unity of the cosmos:
Initiation allowed them to feel part of the great whole, and therefore responsible for its development. Also help her to make their minds less dependent on the material.
Love is a feeling which leads us to provide relief, consolation for the miseries and misfortunes of our fellows. Is not that what we try to teach the first degree?) I quote “loved his fellow man and work tirelessly for the happiness of mankind.” Love is the beauty of the soul to soften the hard life, so painful, so many living beings. With the three Virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity), which help to support the freemasons overwhelms everything.
Hope the guide and supporting it, the anime Faith and Charity unites them.
“The sublime love, unconditional love for all life, is it not a fire that engulfed the heart initiates and drives them to remedy injustices, restoring respect for the law of nature where it’s is removed, to bring order out of chaos, to exalt the noble sentiments, in a word, incessantly renew society and men.
The V M said:
You can fire engulfed become an ardent love for your fellow charity can now build your words and actions. Freemasons are pastors of peoples with charity and love, they must guide them, educate them and teach them by word and example, the true brotherhood, whose practice will powerfully change human. This is why, thanks to the three virtues that we find in our temples, To advance in the way of our development. Because we know that when that which is perfect is come, then that which is partial will disappear.
But above all these things we clothe the charity, which is the bond of perfection. Now faith, hope, charity abide in us, and the greatest of these virtues is charity allowing us to give the gift of oneself. With charity as we seek spiritual gifts, acts of Charity of Freemasons, should never be acts of ostentation or vanity. They should only be the accomplishment of a Duty to Love and be buried in secret
Thus: my FF how I see my duty as I accepted in free will. And I intend, with the help of the Grand architect of the Universe and the great officers of all brothers of Grand Orient de Canaan, I promise to do everything that I could be with the tools in my disposal for lthe Universal Freemasonry, and the Grand Orient de Canaan in particular.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God! and the Word was God!
The Masonic Word is the verb of the civilization of mankind, it is the science that guides our minds and enlightens us, it is all the generous ideas and deeds fraternal console and unite people and make them better.
Come now, my FF, think and act under this Masonic verb. All the hopes we are allowed.
The spirit enlightens us!
The fire of courage ignites our hearts!
That Faith, Hope and Charity guide us and support us …
I said
The Grand Master
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